Individual Dental Insurance Guide

Brushing and flossing at home is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to maintaining oral health for the long run. In addition to a strict at-home oral hygiene routine, seeing a dentist regularly is also necessary, and this is where it comes in handy to buy dental insurance.

If you’re worried about the cost of insurance, don’t be! There are many plans designed specifically for individuals in search of affordable coverage.   

Even if it’s your first time shopping for dental insurance, you’ll get the hang of things quickly because it isn’t complicated. Once you know what to look for in a plan, you’ll be able to get the support you need to rest assured you won’t break the bank when you need to see the dentist for routine or emergency care.  


three men sitting outside talking smilingIs It Worth It to Buy Dental Insurance?

Do you really need to buy dental insurance, especially if you’re young and healthy? Put simply, yes; it’s a great idea to have this type of coverage because receiving professional level dental care on a regular basis is one of the most important ways to ensure the health of your teeth and gums. And, by taking care of your whole mouth now, you might be able to reduce the risk of developing more serious problems later on. 

Besides coverage for preventive care and treatments for common problems like cavities, dental insurance will also be there to help in an emergency. As an example, you might need emergency care to restore your smile if you accidentally damage a tooth while playing sports. With the right policy, you can get the financial help you need, so you can focus more on recovering. 

As an adult, you might also end up developing problems with your jaw. A common ailment is TMD or TMJ, which may be the result of clenching and grinding your teeth when stressed. If your jaw clicks or you’re experiencing pain, being able to receive high-quality care without worrying about the cost will put your mind at ease. Shop affordable dental insurance plans.





How Can Individual Dental Insurance Save Me Money?

Did you know that health/medical insurance doesn’t cover dental care? So, if you don’t have the right plan, and you need to go to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning, you’ll be responsible for paying the entire bill out of pocket. And if you’re diagnosed with a condition like gum disease or a problem like tooth decay, you’ll also need to foot the bill all on your own. Ouch!

As an individual, you’re in complete control of your finances, which is great. But this also means that you can only rely on yourself to pay all of your expenses. And when those dental bills hit – whether they were expected or unexpected – they might be harder on your wallet than you anticipated.

Here’s a breakdown of some common dental procedures and what they might cost, on average:

  •  A checkup might cost anywhere from $50 to $150
  •  X-rays might cost anywhere from $25 to $300
  • A basic cleaning might cost around $70 to $200. A deep cleaning might be anywhere from $500 to $900
  •  A filling for a cavity might cost anywhere from $50 to $450, depending on the type of filling and the tooth being treated
  • The cost of a root canal will depend on the tooth that's being treated. For example, a molar might cost upwards of $2,000 while a front tooth might be as high as $1,500
  • The cost of a crown will depend on the material it's made of. For example, a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown might cost $500-$1,500, while an all-porcelain crown might cost upwards of $3,000

Costs can quickly add up, but with individual dental insurance, you can bring down what you’re required to pay out-of-pocket. That means you won’t have to sacrifice your oral health, and you won’t need to worry about how you’ll be able to afford care. 




Individual Dental Guide FAQ

How much can I expect to get from good dental insurance?
What are the different types of dental insurance?
What out-of-pocket costs can I expect?
What is the best dental insurance for individuals who want coverage just for themselves?

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