Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Should I pay for a dental insurance plan?
What are the top factors to consider when choosing a dental insurance plan?
Is there a "best" dental insurance plan?
What is the difference between Individual, Family and Senior dental insurance plans?
What is a dental discount plan, and how does it differ from a dental insurance plan?
Do your dental plans carry pre-existing conditions limitations?
Can Direct Benefits help me find a dentist near me?
Can I have two insurance plans?
Can I bundle vision with dental?
Does Medicare cover dental coverage?
When is open enrollment for individual dental insurance plans?

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Why should I pay for a vision insurance plan?
What are the top factors to consider when selecting a vision insurance plan?
Can I combine vision insurance with my other insurance plans?
Does eye insurance cover lasik surgery?
Can I have two vision insurance plans?
Does Medicare cover vision insurance plans?
Will vision insurance cover cataracts?
When is open enrollment for individual vision insurance plans?

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Why should I pay for a pet insurance plan?
What are the top factors to consider when selecting a pet insurance plan?
How does reimbursement work for pet insurance plans?
Does my pet's age factor into the price of my pet insurance?
What are congenital and hereditary conditions with regard to pet insurance plans?
What if my pet has pre-existing conditions?
What is the benefit cap for pet insurance?
What deductible should I get with my pet insurance plan?
What veterinarians are in-network with my pet insurance plan?

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