Pet Blog / Insurance for Pet Surgery

Insurance for Pet Surgery

It’s a pet owner’s nightmare: they do all they can to keep their dog or cat healthy and happy, but their pet still becomes sick or gets injured.  

While the best case scenario is that the condition can be treated with medication, further intervention may be required if the case is severe and non-invasive treatment is not a viable option. It can be scary, but pet surgery is actually relatively common.

In the case of an accident or illness, various surgical procedures help to restore your pet’s health. Surgery may also be used to diagnose some conditions. 

Common pet surgeries include:

  • Tumor or mass removal
  • Foreign body removal
  • Fractured teeth repair
  • Cataract surgery
  • Soft palate surgery
  • Hip dysplasia surgery
  • Wound repair
  • Spay or neuter

These procedures can be time consuming and require the care of experienced and compassionate veterinary staff, accruing steep costs as a result. 

How much does pet surgery cost?

The cost of your pet’s surgery can vary widely and will be determined by numerous factors, including the type and extent of the procedure, your pet’s breed and age, other existing medical conditions, where you live, and the specific veterinary practice you choose.

In addition to the surgery itself, treatment costs may include one or more of the following:

  • Pre-surgery clinic visits
  • Pre-surgery diagnostics (blood work, ultrasound, or x-ray)
  • Anesthesia
  • Post-surgery care (pain medication, follow-up care, rehabilitation)
  • Post-surgery diagnostics (biopsy, blood work, imaging)

While these costs can add up quickly, your veterinarian will walk you through what is needed and cost options to ensure your pet gets back to optimal health without too much stress.

Does pet insurance cover surgery?

In certain cases, insurance may cover pet surgery. Pet insurance is one of the best ways to alleviate the financial burden of maintaining a dog or cat’s health. A majority of the surgical procedures listed above will be covered by insurance, but it’s important to evaluate your specific carrier and policy or request a pre-authorization to get a full understanding of what is covered versus what you can expect to pay.

Elective surgeries, such as dewclaw removal and gastropexy for dogs; preventive operations; and procedures for pre-existing conditions, are typically not covered by insurance. However, some plans may cover complications associated with the procedures. 

Now is the time to prepare

Although it’s a situation you prefer not to think about, it doesn’t benefit you to ignore it or put it off. The best thing you can do as a pet owner is to be prepared for the worst and seek out pet insurance options, so you have the peace of mind knowing you won’t be blindsided with a hefty veterinary bill down the road. You’ll be unlikely able to purchase insurance after your cat or dog gets sick.