Dental Blog / 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Dental Health

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Dental Health

New year’s resolutions are a way for people to look back at the past year, reflect and make appropriate changes for the following year to better themselves. Some of the more common resolutions you may have said yourself might be to exercise more, eat healthier, learn a new skill or travel more. What about new year’s resolutions centered around dental health? Sound boring?

Well, did you know oral health is directly linked to overall health? In fact, oral health has been linked to the cause of these diseases and conditions:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Endocarditis
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Pneumonia
  • Pregnancy and birth complications

With improving your oral care as your new year’s resolution, you’re adding an additional layer of protection for your overall health that will allow you to be more productive and most importantly, healthy. So cheers to your oral care 2021 new year’s resolution and these 5 tips!

1. Revamp your dental care hygiene routine

We all know brushing and flossing on a regular basis is the foundation for good dental health. So why not treat yourself and purchase a toothbrush that will get you excited for brushing your teeth. Maybe you’re thinking about switching to an electric toothbrush, but it’s too expensive. Is there anything in your budget that you could cut out to replace the expense? According to the American Dental Association (ADA), electric toothbrushes clean better than manual toothbrushes. The pulsating action breaks up plaque and sweeps it away, something a manual toothbrush can’t do as effectively.

The same goes for flossing. If you don’t floss because you hate it, there are other options out there:

  • Dental pick
  • Water flossing
  • Interdental brushes
  • Tape floss

Investing in a floss option that will motivate you to floss more is a step in the right direction. And let’s admit it: brushing is so much easier than flossing. But bacteria gravitate to those places that are hard to reach and where food typically gets lodged and missed by your toothbrush. Flossing rids these particles and does not allow bacteria to build plaque.

2. Make your teeth dance with a deep cleaning twice a year

Your brushing and flossing routine is flawless, yet you still find a pain growing in your bottom molar. You head to the dentist and they say, you’ve got a cavity. But wait! I’ve done everything you’ve asked. Brush and floss daily and visit the dentist twice a year!

Two words: Streptococcus mutans

This little booger is the main contributor to tooth decay and breaking down your enamel. And dentists happen to be the best Streptococcus mutans hunter you’ll find (and dental hygienists). So get to your dentist and ensure those extra difficult places get cleaned by a professional.

3. Restore your teeth for ultimate strength

As mentioned above, sometimes no matter what you do, bacteria will prevail and cause your teeth some concern. But it doesn’t mean you failed and that’s the end of the line for your tooth. There are plenty of oral care techniques that stop corrosion and help keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Armor for tooth

Fillings are needed to fill a decayed tooth before further damage occurs. If a tooth has been left alone for too long, a crown will be needed. And bridges help keep crowns in place on multiple teeth.

Replacements for tooth

If a tooth needs replacing, a dental implant may be needed. Implants help maintain and strengthen bone structure, provide the ability to chew food and provides the confidence a smile can bring. Dentures are another option for replacing teeth in bad condition.

4. Be mindful of what you put into your body

For this section, you can throw in the kitchen sink with your new year’s resolutions: quit smoking, eat healthier, drink more water and limit sugary foods and drinks all suffice as oral care essentials. Even eating crunchy fruits and vegetables helps saliva production with your teeth—which helps wash away food debris. Combining these actions with a regular oral care routine will keep your teeth clean and healthy.

5. Saving and staying healthy with dental insurance

You’re only as strong as your weakest link. If you have a tooth that’s hurting, even though 97% of your teeth are still OK, that one tooth will still bring your spirits down. When your tooth hurts, a trip to the dentist is typically required. But, some people don’t make it to the dentist as:

  • 59% say cost affects their decision
  • 22% are afraid
  • 19% cannot find a convenient location or appointment time

Dental insurance can help with these issues: 1) Dental insurance brings down the cost with network savings, coinsurance and annual maximum money that is yours to use throughout the year; 2) By choosing a dental insurance network that is expansive, your options will automatically multiply so you can find a dentist close to you that also saves you money; 3) And although dental insurance may not help with dental phobia itself, knowing that you have dental insurance that will save you money may help ease the anxiety you experience.

One place to get all the information you need plus purchasing dental insurance is the Direct Benefits Marketplace. We offer plans you can compare side-by-side, and a call center team that are licensed agents who don’t get paid on commission. They will provide superior guidance to help you in your decision of which dental insurance product is right for you and your family. Your dental solution is here!